Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Episode #6: Challenging kids - "Reach for the stars"

Intro/Monologue - Killers - Somebody told me

    Welcome to the show - Today we are talking about challenges we get in life.  We have many challenges in life and many times we think that they are huge. We do overcome them mostly. However we know that sometimes it takes a long time.  What can prepare us for these challenges in our life? What can we do to learn from them.  Its the same way we learn or prepare for anything.  It's through experiencing things once and maybe failing or being hurt by it, that we can learn how to handle it.  I can only speak for myself but I've had a few challenges in my life and some were harder and some were easily overcome.  I can lean on these past experiences for help in overcoming future ones. Today we will talk about how challenging our kids to do hard things can help them throughout their lives to overcome life's Challenges. Also we will include how sports can be a big part of this.

Thanks for listening! 

Segment 1:  < >

    Sports are really a metaphor for life.  We started out having "fun" with sports but it changed or morphed over the years to be much more than that.  Some sports were made because kids needed an outlet for physical energy to help with studies or to stay fit.  James Naismith is the inventor of basketball "Naismith was a physical education instructor at YMCA International Training School (now known as Springfield College) in Springfield, Massachusetts. Upon the request of his boss, Naismith was tasked to create an indoor sports game to help athletes keep in shape in cold weather.[1]   This game is so much more now.  I've coached basketball now at the HS level for 8 years.  I've had players come up to me and tell me they were mad at some of the conditioning that we do, at the time. But now that they are grown up and on their own, they actually use the success of getting through some of that hard conditioning to help them overcome difficulties in their lives now.

Roy Andersen is a former player of mine that is now 20-21 years old. He's out there in the real world now.  I asked him about his thoughts about being challenges how how hard work played into his success and continued success:

Message from Roy  

Message from Sky 

Segment 2: <the Killers Read my Mind>

    As coaches we are always looking for ways to challenge kids in practice.  Its either through competition or through conditioning, games or some way to challenge them.  I always try to make my practices very difficult.  Either mentally or physically or even sometimes emotionally  I do this so that when the games come it's not that hard and the players keep their composure.  

   Key Points:

Wrap Up  Thanks to Roy Andersen and Skylar Johnson for joining us today

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Episode #5: It Takes a Village - revisited "It's about the kids"

Intro/Monologue:    (STJ - SUBLIME)

Back in the 90's Hillary R. Clinton wrote a book called "It Takes a Village" about parenting.  At the time it was met with a mixed response  at best.  People that read it made it out to be gospel and loved HRC even more, others really didn't get it (me included at the time).  I took it as parents shirking their responsibilities and delegating to others. But that wasn't the point. I don't really like HRC but I get what she meant now.  Today's episode I would like to talk about how we have to rely on others all the time in sports and in parenting. 

    Segment #1 :  (Mr. Downtown, That Thing you do)  

    • Experiences with leaning on other coaches.  How this has helped me as a head coach but also required humility
    • I hate playing board games, card games etc.  However as a dad I have to do this
      • HRC Quote: “They [parents] can resist the impulse to ‘prove’ their love by showering children with things they do not need and give them precious time and attention instead.”
      • I love TV but it's more important to include kids, do what they want. Even though I view this as a sacrifice but it's not
      • Time is more important then stuff.
      • My son Vance Johnson's concept of "Give me an experience not a possession"
      • Mormon commercials that say "give your kids time"
    Segment #2:  (Count on me/ Bruno Mars) 
    • Interview with Mrs Coach Johnson
      • Tell us about your personal background
      • What is your coaching experience
      • How have you used your track and field experience to help you learn to rely on others to help you?
        • Does that take humility?
        • Was it easy to have that humility?
      • How does this relate to the concept that "It takes a village" to raise kids?
        • Do you rely on others in your parenting?
        • Do you feel others rely on  you ?
        • How does this work in your job as a teacher?
      • Anything else you'd like to tell us about how you have used sports to parent your kids?
    Segment #3 (I'm the Man / Killers)
    • Wrap up.
      • HRC Quote from "It Takes a Village"
        • “Parenthood has the power to redefine every aspect of life - marriage, work, relationships with family and friends. Those helpless bundles of power and promise that come into our world show us our true selves- who we are, who we are not, who we wish we could be.”
      • Thanks to Mrs. Coach Johnson
      • don't forget to go to facebook and like our page .facebook search "coach's cast"
      • don't forget to go to Apple podcasts and subscribe 
      • or if you are a spotify user please give us a follow there too.
        • Lastly you can find all show notes, links to things I've shown or used on our blog at

    Tuesday, August 18, 2020

    Episode #4: Coach's Cast Restart Button


    Today I hit restart on my podcast.  I am going to work on it more. I like it and it's very helpful to me.  If you like it great. if you don't well this used to be a free country, so I won't make you listen.

    This is the blog for the show.  What I'll put here is links, show notes, videos or another things that I think supplement the show.  Each episode will be accompanied by a blog post.  


    8/18/2020 - Episode 4 of season 1. Restart Episode

    Today's episode was meant as an appeal to my friends that listen to give me a second chance. I explained that I quit episodes after only 3 because of some anger, depression and some negative thoughts about the whole idea of podcasts.  I hope that I didn't burn too many bridges. I would like to say I'm sorry for givng up so easy and not having my original mission mind: Help people be better parents by using youth or HS sports as a metaphor for life.  

    I told a story about a boy who's dad was super excited for him to be a great player and it turned out he wasn't. I also told a quick story about a lady who's son was on our team who was basically homeless and how this made the player worry so much about everything.

    Episode #6: Challenging kids - "Reach for the stars"

    Intro/Monologue - Killers - Somebody told me      Welcome to the show - Today we are talking about challenges we get in life.  We have many ...